
FIDELITY ELECTRONICS LD. INC was an American company, founded in 1959, bought in March 1970 by Sidney and Myron Samole. From 1976, Fidelity Electronics developed and manufactured dedicated chess computers. On February 21, 1984, FIDELITY ELECTRONICS LD. INC filed its petition for relief under Chapter 7 of Bankruptcy Code and transferred its ownership to FIDELITY COMPUTER PRODUCTS INC. becoming later FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL,INC. Their computers won the first four World Microcomputer Chess Championships: London 1980 (Chess Challenger ), Travemünde 1981 (Fidelity X), Budapest 1983 (Elite A/S), and Glasgow 1984 (Elite). They won 4 consecutive years the United States Open Computer Chess Championships (Mobile, Alabama) in 1985, 1986, 1987 and 1988. Sold in 1989 to Hegener & Glaser. Fidelity disappeared definitely in 1992.
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Unread post by CHVL » Fri Jan 19, 2018 8:00 pm

It is well known that the Elite-Avant-Garde V11 was never produced by Fidelity, but by Bucke:
https://www.schach-computer.info/wiki/i ... _V11_68060
It means that Fidelity produced the Elite Avant-Garde until the version 10.
The full history of the V11 is told here:

The best summary was done by Mike Watters:
http://www.chesscomputeruk.com/html/fid ... _v_11.html

Since 2 years, Steve Braid from UK is doing new Elite Avant-Garde V11.
What is different?
Essentially the boards use new technology and are faster. They can be installed in the old EAG boards, but you must remove the old mother board.
However, recently, Steve built his own modified Drucke board and installed his own version of the Avant-Garde V11.

He is selling one on eBay:
https://www.ebay.com/itm/Chess-Computer ... 1438.l2649



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Re: Elite-Avant-Garde-V11

Unread post by berger » Sat Jan 20, 2018 12:37 am


Thanks to a friend of mine, I have had the opportunity to examine and play with this beautiful chess computer. It has an excellent design, and the incorporation of the communications port is also appreciated. Magnetic sensors operate by hall effect, so there are no reed switches installed, and therefore operation is more precise and with fewer problems in the long run.

In my opinion Steve is doing a really good job.

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Re: Elite-Avant-Garde-V11

Unread post by Sargon72 » Sat Jan 20, 2018 6:32 am

Hello Guys,

Through the years i have bought several PCB and complete systems by Steve
Latest is the Drucke Board with Première on 36Mhz so Vancouver and Mach III based on 68000 CPU on 36Mhz
I agree that people like Steve UK are a "Treasure" for people like us
I hope he will make some more Interesting PCB/Computers
Also i am glad there a very good repair man out there so they can let live our old chess computers longer ,like Berger :D
And for some years now some companies did start make new Chess Computers ,when we all thought the market was dead for it
I hear sounds that even DGT bring out a Chess Computer...
Also there are nice Idea,s and plans by Millennium ...
The Future for us as Chess computer Collectors/Admirers looks promising i would say
Well i go now to rumble with the Mach III on 36Mhz


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