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History of Chess Challenger 1 (CC1) and its upgrades...

Posted: Fri Jun 04, 2021 11:35 pm
It is well known that the CC1 was introduced in hurry and pain in 1977: inverted board and severe software limitations. It was (and it is :) ) difficult to play with it. So, everyone was running to upgrade this first Fidelity chess computer...
We know that its collectible value is coming from the fact that a lot of them were upgraded in CC3: the board was corrected and 3 levels were possible.
However, it exists more kind of upgrades. Take a look here:

Yes, the CC1 was not only updated to CC3, but also to Chess Challenger 10 under the name UCC10:

And yes, the CC1 was updated to CC"7"... Below, the picture of a CC1 metamorphosed in a BCC with the program of the CC7.