Novag star aquamarine siglo XXI Century

NOVAG INDUSTRIES LTD. is a designer and manufacturer of dedicated chess computers founded on September 3 1976 by Peter Auge and Eric Winkler, located in Hong Kong. In 1978, Novag and SciSys started common operations to produce chess computers and notably the MK I. The program was a clone of the ROM of the Data Cash Systems Inc. CompuChess. This results in a lawsuit that JS&S won for a copyright not well documented... A lot of difficulties were emerging between Auge and Winkler and resulted in their separation. In 2009, Novag was sold to a company called Solar Wide Industrial Ltd, . This company continued continued to manufacture chess computers under the Novag brand name..
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Posts: 520
Joined: Tue Jun 13, 2017 9:02 pm
Location: Los Altos, CA
Full Name: Maurice M Ohayon

Novag star aquamarine siglo XXI Century

Unread post by CHVL » Thu Feb 06, 2020 1:26 pm

A pretty interesting computer... ... SwlBBeN2p5

Novag made a series of Aquamarine computers... A lot.
- Aquamarine 16 MHz, Model 9219, 1993
- Aquamarine, Model 38604, 1996
- Aquamarine Maestro, Model 1002, 2000
- Aquamarine Maestro II, 2002
- Aquamarine Milenio (Limited Edition), Model 3992, 2000
- Aquamarine Milenio II, Model 1015, 2002
- Aquamarine Premier, Model 9604, 1996
- Aquamarine Premier Plus, Model 38704, 1997
- Aquamarine Risc 20 MHz, Model 93065, 1995
- Aquamarine Risc II 26.6 MHz, Model 38603, 1999
- Aquamarine Risc II 26.6 MHz Siglo XXI, Model 39604, 1999
- Aquamarine Siglo XXI, Model 39905, 1999
- Aquamarine Super Nova, Model 9220, 1994
- Aquamarine Stile, Model 38714, 1997
- Star Aquamarine, Model 1033, 2008

I will not be surprised if somebody tells me that I missed some in my collection.



Posts: 520
Joined: Tue Jun 13, 2017 9:02 pm
Location: Los Altos, CA
Full Name: Maurice M Ohayon

Re: Novag star aquamarine siglo XXI Century

Unread post by CHVL » Sat Feb 08, 2020 1:49 am

BTW, this Novag on eBay is NOT a STAR aquamarine...
It is an Aquamarine Risc II 26.6 MHz
It was not existing a Novag star aquamarine siglo XXI Century... not that I have seen or somebody reported.
The photos of this eBay auction shows an Aquamarine Risc II 26.6 MHz with Siglo XXI Century .

I was also comparing my list of Novag aquamarine with the one of Mike Watters published in his Timeline page: we have some discrepancies in the dates. Moreover, the list of Mike seems incomplete.
I must say that I own all the Novag aquamarine of my list.


Posts: 520
Joined: Tue Jun 13, 2017 9:02 pm
Location: Los Altos, CA
Full Name: Maurice M Ohayon

Re: Novag star aquamarine siglo XXI Century

Unread post by CHVL » Sat Feb 08, 2020 8:16 am

I was intrigued by this eBay auction and I decided to go back to my collection to re-verify all my Novag aquamarine...
The one of this auction is rare.
I confirm that it is an Aquamarine Risc II 26.6 MHz with Siglo XXI Century, Model 39604, 1999.
Novag did 2 different models of the Aquamarine Risc II 26.6 MHz: models 39603 and 39604.
Why 2 different models? This is the question I have to try to answer.
Maybe somebody have some lights on it?


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