ARB, Applied Concepts...

APPLIED CONCEPTS (dba Stalker Radar) was founded by Alan Mead in 1977. Their Chess Computer products were distributed by an American marketing/retail enterprise "Chafitz", and by a German manufacturer/distributor "Sandy Electronic".
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Full Name: Maurice M Ohayon

ARB, Applied Concepts...

Unread post by CHVL » Fri Jan 01, 2021 1:21 pm

One of the most emblematic wood chess computer ever done.
Regarding the wood board, by itself, it is one of the most gorgeous board made by Drueke (Grand Rapids, Michigan).
Paradoxically, very few information was published on the ARB and its variants.

It appears regularly on eBay, but the variations of the ARB are not very well known.
Variations on the design, the electronics and the software...
In fact, these are more than simple variations: the computers were different models with different design, hardware and software.
Many collectors have in their collection what they call "ARB model" ignoring the other different models under this sigle.
I will try in the next posts to document these models of ARB.


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