Taking back on my posts about eBay, I will first summarize the situation: the Computachess series were duplicated under different names and brands and also under different hardware... in fact, they were produced in the same manufacture.
First starting with Computachess 2...
4 computers identical (or only few variations).
Their simultaneous presence on eBay is an opportunity to speak about the not well documented computers UNIMEX, Eureka, Stratege, Rexton, Schneider, CGL and CXG.
!) UNIMEX 2 SP-5003 Chess II Portable (1983)
The color of the board is white and the legends are in black. On the front of the board, a label Unimex.
According to the rear label, the computer was produced by Unimex, West Germany. The photo associated with this computer shows it clearly.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Unimex- ... 2749.l2649
The color of the board is light brown and the legends are in white.
This is a CGL 0108 model made in Hong-Kong.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Computachess-2- ... 1438.l2649
The color of the board is white and the legends are in black. On the board, CXG logo in red.
This is a CXG-002, White and Allcock, made in Hong-Kong.
http://chess/132301979959?_trkparms=aid ... 0005.m1851
4) CGL Grand Master Sensory 2
The color of the board is grey and the legends are in red and green. On the front of the board, a label Grand Master.
Made in Hong-Kong
Only the UNIMEX was made in West Germany?...
But... the label don't say made in West Germany... maybe West Germany was only the head quarters of UNIMEX.
Will you bet on that?
The CGL Grand Master Sensory 2 shares the same design than the ComputaChess 2.