Consumenta Modules (1982-1985)

CONSUMENTA is a Munich Based Company, founded by Peter-Ingolf Genicke and Klaus Heyne. Since the beginning of the eighties, were involved in the distribution of products from Fidelity Electronics. In 1981, they created the brand name Conchess for their own chess computers. They recruited the Swedish programmer Ulf Rathsman and decided to manufacture the hardware through an Irish company, Wallharn Electronics.
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Full Name: Maurice M Ohayon

Consumenta Modules (1982-1985)

Unread post by CHVL » Mon Nov 01, 2021 4:50 am

Code: Select all

1982	Module		2 MHz	x	
1984	Module C	2 MHz	x
1984	Module P	2 MHz	x
1984	Module S4	3,2 MHz	Glasgow Program
1985	Module S4	4 MHz	Amsterdam Program
1984	Module H	4 MHz	x
1984	Module T6	5,5 MHz	Glasgow Program
1985	Module T6	6,1 MHz	Amsterdam Program
1985	Module T8	8 MHz	Amsterdam Program

1983	Opening Module L	6 000 hm
1985	Opening Module L16	48 000 hm


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