Cyber Chess Playing Machine by Cyber Enterprises

CYBER ENTERPRISES, founded by Norbert K. Mikun in 1977. Mikun created CyberChess: despite its name, it is not a computer. However, by the way of decision making algorithms, CyberChess allows to play some great chess games. In September 1977, Dorothy Mikun filled a federal trademark registration for the CYBERCHESS. On the game itself, the name of Norbert K. Mikun is appearing as the owner of the copyright in 1977. The game was ported on personal computers.
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Full Name: Jarek Boniecki

Cyber Chess Playing Machine by Cyber Enterprises

Unread post by jarek » Sat Feb 10, 2018 12:15 pm

Dear Maurice, Dear Forum Members,

has any of you won this listing? ... 2749.l2649

Do we have any "Cyber Chess lovers" here apart from Maurice and myself?
If so, please raise your hand :)

Meanwhile, let me ask a question, primarily to Maurice:

Is it true that there exist two game packs, both labeled as (for example) "AMT 01" but containing different games?
That would be really strange.

I read somewhere that there are different versions of "standard pack".
Although "standard packs" are not numbered, they may contain different games.

Another question: are there more series of game packs apart from amateur and professional?
Someone on a different forum mentioned endgame series, but I believe endgame puzzles are part of the professional series.


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Location: Los Altos, CA
Full Name: Maurice M Ohayon

Re: Cyber Chess Playing Machine by Cyber Enterprises

Unread post by CHVL » Sat Feb 10, 2018 3:39 pm

Welcome Jarek!

We share the same interest for CyberChess.

I must say that Jarek and I have started to exchange by e-mail sometime ago.
Like you, Jarek, I am curious to know how many of our members are interested by CyberChess.

I agree that the question of number of packs is important. I read a lot of contradictory information on the web.
The best will be to do the inventory of our collection of packs in the first place.
Jarek, we must initiate the movement by publishing our own collection of packs.
I will publish very soon my list.

Happy to count you as one of our members,


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Location: Los Altos, CA
Full Name: Maurice M Ohayon

Re: Cyber Chess Playing Machine by Cyber Enterprises

Unread post by CHVL » Sat Feb 10, 2018 5:03 pm

The Program Pack Index of CyberChess was upgraded several times. I have 8 versions of this index:
- the first versions are going until the number 31;
- the second until 35;
- the third until 39.
These catalogues enumerate each pack in the categories:
- amateur and,
- professional.
Each pack of each category contents 4 programs.
A simple arithmetic is showing:
Total = 78 packs (39 Amateur pack + 39 Professional pack)
In my opinion, the inflation in the numbers found on the web is coming from the fact that this is giving 312 different programs (156 by category).

But, first, let us see the index: I have attached the most recent indexes (in my collection, but probably other were published).
I own all the packs in the index plus... some surprises :)

See you for the next episode,


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Full Name: Maurice M Ohayon

Re: Cyber Chess Playing Machine by Cyber Enterprises

Unread post by CHVL » Sun Feb 11, 2018 4:19 am

Now, we have the list until 39.

to be continued...


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Full Name: Maurice M Ohayon

Re: Cyber Chess Playing Machine by Cyber Enterprises

Unread post by CHVL » Sun Feb 11, 2018 9:44 am

In December 1981, there was 360 games for a total of 90 packs (45 AMT and 45 Pro) !

Take a look to the announcement and to the purchase order form.

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Full Name: Maurice M Ohayon

Re: Cyber Chess Playing Machine by Cyber Enterprises

Unread post by CHVL » Sun Feb 11, 2018 10:42 am

Now the list of programs until number 40...

Until number 43...

And until number 45...
TOTAL: 90 packs ---> 45 AMT + 45 PRO

But.. a standard pack was added with the purchase of the board: 4 games (2 AMT and 2 PRO)...
Result for now: 91 packs.



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Full Name: Jarek Boniecki

Re: Cyber Chess Playing Machine by Cyber Enterprises

Unread post by jarek » Sun Feb 11, 2018 1:46 pm

Hi Maurice,

thanks a lot for these photos.

However, I am sure there are at least 49 Amateur packs and 49 Professional packs.
I hope I will have (in a few weeks) tangible proofs for that ;-)
I will post a photo then.

However, it seems there may be even more than 49 packs (per category).

1. To the best of my knowledge, cardboard/paper version of Cyberchess was in sales for around 6 years, which means sales was probably terminated in 1983.
According to the document that you posted, 45 packs per category were available as of December 1981.
During 1982 and 1983 there should be more packs issued.
As you now, there was a "Cyberclub" whose members (subscribers) were receiving all new packs automatically by mail at discounted price.

2. Some time ago there was a listing on eBay of Cyberchess.
Although the pictures were showing only the main unit with one or two packs,
the description was very interesting (probably copied from promotional materials).
I saved that listing and here is the description:

"Play Chess anytime, anywhere with your own private chess partner.
Improve your game with your own private chess master showing you how.
Simply insert the supplied program cards and you are ready to play chess.
Choose the level of play, weak and easy or very tough. There are 8 levels to choose from.
You decide when and where to play, when to adjourn and resume a game,
How long to ponder on any given move.
Cyberchess comes with 75 Amateur (lower rated) game packs and 74 professional (higher rated) game packs.
Each game pack contains a total of 4 chess games and (occasionally) endgames.
There are a total of 596 games/endgames. Each game is selected from master and grandmaster play."

The bad news is that in 1982 / 1983 Cyber Chess was probably in decline (losing market share to dedicated units and chess software for microcomputers), which means the production runs of packs number 50 and above was probably low.

kind regards,

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Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2018 12:26 pm
Full Name: Jarek Boniecki

Re: Cyber Chess Playing Machine by Cyber Enterprises

Unread post by jarek » Sun Feb 11, 2018 1:55 pm

CHVL wrote:
Sat Feb 10, 2018 5:03 pm
I own all the packs in the index plus... some surprises :)
Congratulations on an impressive collection!
What are the surprises?

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Location: Los Altos, CA
Full Name: Maurice M Ohayon

Re: Cyber Chess Playing Machine by Cyber Enterprises

Unread post by CHVL » Sun Feb 11, 2018 2:55 pm

Hi Jarek,

1. To the best of my knowledge, cardboard/paper version of Cyberchess was in sales for around 6 years, which means sales was probably terminated in 1983.
According to the document that you posted, 45 packs per category were available as of December 1981.
During 1982 and 1983 there should be more packs issued.
As you now, there was a "Cyberclub" whose members (subscribers) were receiving all new packs automatically by mail at discounted price.
About the CYBERCLUB NEWS, Mikun stopped it in December 1979 and replaced it by CHESS DIGEST.
CHESS DIGEST was distributed during 2 years, but by lack of interest was finally stopped by Mikun in 1981.
I have the complete series of the CYBERCHESS CLUB NEWS AND CHESS DIGEST and I could insert here an excerpt.

Mikun wanted to interact with the buyers of his board, but from the beginning, it was very little participation.
The goal was to publish 6 issues per year of CHESS DIGEST. Robert M. Snyder, a National Master, published very interesting articles on chess.
Mikun was repetitively asking for papers from the readers. In vain...
During the year 1980, for the volume 1, Mikun published 6 issues.
During the year 1981, in the issue 4, he was asking the readers to help him for the last time sending papers otherwise he would stop the publication.
This fourth issue, volume 2, has only 2 pages recto verso plus the covert recto verso. Very sad...
This is the announcement on page 2 of the Volume 2, issue 4:
For the best of my knowledge, it was no other issue and I have no other correspondence with CyberChess showing that Mikun was continuing with the publication of CHESS DIGEST.
Conversely, Mikun sent in December 1981 a letter CYBERCHESS NEWS, labelled the old way of 1979. He sent also an order form for AMT and PRO Programs and Cyberaters from 001 to 045.
However, I am sure there are at least 49 Amateur packs and 49 Professional packs.
I hope I will have (in a few weeks) tangible proofs for that ;-)
I will post a photo then.
Sure, I confirm that it was other Program packs and Cyberaters until the number 49... I have them :)
The surprise is other information.

To be continued...


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Joined: Wed Jan 31, 2018 12:26 pm
Full Name: Jarek Boniecki

Re: Cyber Chess Playing Machine by Cyber Enterprises

Unread post by jarek » Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:28 am

Hello Cyber Chess fans,

here is the last page of a program listing showing program packs up to number 47 plus announcing packs 48-50.

Maurice, what "suprise information" were you referring to in your last message?
Please write about it! Thanks a lot.


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