CLJ L'Empereur (1984) X-RARE

CLJ Industries was founded by Jean-Jacques Japhet. CLJ are the initials of the first name of his 2 children + the initial of the family name. Jaffet put on the market L'Empereur in reference to Napoleon. Went bankrupt shortly after producing few exemplars.
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CLJ L'Empereur (1984) X-RARE

Unread post by CHVL » Wed Aug 04, 2021 11:44 pm

L'Empereur is a beautiful auto-response board in wood.
The French tradition of "marquetterie" is used to give a sense of elegance to the design of the computer.
On the top right side of the computer is the CLJ Logo. On the left bottom side the name "L'Empereur".
The computer uses 64 LEDs to indicate its moves.
Sixteen buttons aligned on the right side wait for the commands of the player.

  • Specs:
    - original CLJ L'Empereur with original chessmen
    - 1984
    - Cyrus program by Richard Lang
    - Z80 AT 4 MHz
    - 64 LEDs, 16 push buttons
    - take back 40 moves
    - 16 KB ROM; 2 KB RAM
    - 3000 half moves library
    - 12 levels
    - Adapter: AC/DC 220 V
    - Participation at the WMCC Glasgow (1984))


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