Mephisto Bavaria Vancouver 68020 32 Bit (1991) RARE

Hegener & Glaser was a German company founded by Manfred Hegener and Florian Glaser in 1969 in Munich. In 1980, they created the Mephisto trademark.In 1994, H&G was bought by Saitek Ltd.The Mephisto brand became a division of Saitek.
Posts: 520
Joined: Tue Jun 13, 2017 9:02 pm
Location: Los Altos, CA
Full Name: Maurice M Ohayon

Mephisto Bavaria Vancouver 68020 32 Bit (1991) RARE

Unread post by CHVL » Sat Sep 25, 2021 7:32 pm

Winner at Eleventh World Microcomputer Chess Championship VANCOUVER 1991

Code: Select all

Rank	Program	Score	Title
1	Gideon		6.0	World Microcomputer Chess Champion
2	MChess		5.5	
3	The King	5.0	
4	Mephisto X	5.0	World Microcomputer Chess Champion (Manufacturer)
5	Fidelity X	4.5	
6	Hiarcs		4.0	
7	Now		4.0	
8	Brainstorm	3.5	
9	Nightmare (D )	3.5	
10	Échec		3.5	
11	Patzer		3.0	
12	Cumulus		2.5	
13	Woodpusher	2.5	
14	Innovation	2.5	
15	Centaur		1.0	
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Bavaria Vancouver 68020-2.jpeg
Bavaria Vancouver 68020-4.jpeg
Bavaria Vancouver 68020-5.jpeg


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