France Double R - ORIGINAL La Règence (1981) U-RARE

A French marketing and manufacturing Corporation founded by Frederic Ries. Installed at the angle of rue Baron and rue Roberval - maybe the origin of the Double R name of the Company (Roberval + Ries). Put on the market the first French Chess Computer "La Regence". France Double R went bankrupt, and Sandy Electronics manufactured and sold a "La Regence" with same wood design (with the button legends in German), but different for its hardware and its software version.
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France Double R - ORIGINAL La Règence (1981) U-RARE

Unread post by CHVL » Sun Sep 12, 2021 2:29 pm

France Double R - La Régence (1981)

This is an ORIGINAL La Règence, made by the company of Frederic Ries before its bankruptcy.
Very few were produced and probably were used essentially in shows or championships. Three or four have been reported by collectors or people involved in the France Double R company.
The differences between this ORIGINAL La Règence and the TSB4 Sandy Electronics La Regence are consequent as its seems that not only the woodwork and legends are different, but also the software and hardware: viewtopic.php?f=36&t=1530
Specs: TBD


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