La Regence First Tournaments

A French marketing and manufacturing Corporation founded by Frederic Ries. Installed at the angle of rue Baron and rue Roberval - maybe the origin of the Double R name of the Company (Roberval + Ries). Put on the market the first French Chess Computer "La Regence". France Double R went bankrupt, and Sandy Electronics manufactured and sold a "La Regence" with same wood design (with the button legends in German), but different for its hardware and its software version.
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La Regence First Tournaments

Unread post by CHVL » Thu Sep 02, 2021 5:42 pm

The First official appearance of La Regence was in London on September 10, 11 and 12, 1981 in a microcomputer tournament in 5 rounds (30 moves/hour). Twelve participants. La Regence with its Cyrus program won with 5 out of 5: Advance 2.0, second with 4 pts, Philidor Experimental, third with 3 pts, and Super System V, ninth with 2 pts.
Second performance infinitely less convincing at the end of November 1981 in Stockholm. Conditions were different: 7 rounds (40 moves/2 hours). La Regence /Cyrus finished last with a single point. It was defeated by Challenger Champion, Mephisto II, Super System V, Conchess/Princhess (Ulf Rathman), the Scholar. It won only one game against Rook 4.0.
Third and last public tournament was in September 1982 in London, La Regence/Cyrus, got the second place in 7 rounds, 30 moves per hour.

Unfortunately, these tournaments signed the fate of La Regence, but happily not the one of the Cyrus program and more importantly of its programmer, Richard Lang. The following year, 1982, Jaffet, a collaborator of Frederic Ries (France Double R owner and manufacturer of La Regence), founded its own company (CLJ), and made L'Empereur, a beautiful chess computer with the Cyrus program of Richard Lang.


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