Intellect-01 USSR (1987) X-RARE

NICEVENT was located in Moscow and manufactured the Strategist Chess Computer which participated to the First USSR Chess Computer Championship. INTELLECT was the first chess computer Brand Name. Appearing at the First Soviet Computer Championship in 1988, the Intellect-01, programmed by Y. Kubinov, took the sixth and last place of the Tournament. After the competition, the Soviet Computer Chess Federation was founded. Under the brand name ELECTRONIKA, many different Soviet manufactures produced a variety of electronic products as computer systems, calculators, watches, tape recorders, video recorders, portable games, and radios. These products were exported and distributed under various names. Some of them were full copies of foreign technology. KIEV RADIO FACTORY or MAYAK made products including a clone of the Mephisto SchachSchule in 1992.
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Intellect-01 USSR (1987) X-RARE

Unread post by CHVL » Thu Jul 05, 2018 11:11 pm

The Intellect computers are anterior to the creation of the Electronika brand name.
It seems that Intellect did only 2 models:
- the Intellect-01 had an original Russian program;
- the Intellect-02 is a clone of the Fidelity Chess Challenger 3.

It was thought that the Intellect-01 was only a prototype.
The interesting point is that the Intellect-01 is running an original Russian program by Y. Kubinov.
This computer was participating to the First Soviet Computer Championship in 1988. After the tournament, the Soviet Computer-Chess Federation, was founded.


Power Supply: 220V, 50Hz, 20 Watts
Display: green LED
Keys: 12 Press Keys
Weight: approx. 5 kg
Release date: March 1987
Manufacturer: Soviet Union (USSR), Leningrad
Programmer: Y. Kubinov.
Participation to the First Soviet Computer Championship in 1988.

First Soviet Computer Championship (1988)

Code: Select all

#	Program	       	1	2	3	4	5	6	P
1	Centaur	       	X	½	1	1	½	1	4
2	Strategist-1	½	X	½	1	1	½	3½
3	Algir		0	½	X	½	1	1	3
4	Strategist-A	0	0	½	X	½	1	2
5	Strategist	½	0	0	½	X	½	1½
6	Intellect	0	½	0	0	½	X	1


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