Sandy TSB4 La Regence (1982)

SANDY Electronic GmbH , Munich, founded by Rainer Bäurle. Electrical engineering and electronics sales. Sandy distributed in Germany the products of Applied Concepts Inc. and the product (La Régence) of France Double R. They labelled the products with their own name for La Regence (TSB4) with modifications of the hardware and software of the original computer.
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Sandy TSB4 La Regence (1982)

Unread post by CHVL » Sun Sep 12, 2021 2:39 pm

The Sandy Electronics TSB4 La Regence is fundamentally different from the France Double R ORIGINAL La Règence (1981)
The 2 versions (TSB4 Sandy, and France Double R) of La Regence are different on:
- their wood manufacture
- their legends: German versus French
- their electronics
- their program version of the Richard Lang's Cyrus (and maybe not even the Cyrus program during the first Tournament: "According to Kevin O’Connell, a La Regence program already played the ACM 1981 Blitz tournament still running on an Osborne Z80 based computer, beating Cray Blitz and Chess 4.5, and only losing from Belle [4]. However, the Philidor Software program which played the ACM 1981 main tournament was called Philidor with David Broughton and Mark Taylor mentioned as authors in the booklet" : PHILIDOR, authors: Broughton, Taylor (at site), Levy, Johnson on a Z-80 based microcomputer Assembly 28 Kb, 16 Kb 4,000 moves 400 nodes/seconde. "... and likely more related to Vega rather than Cyrus. A dedicated La Regence prototype played the European MCC 1982, and became unlucky runner up behind Advance 2.4 after losing in the final round by it's own stablemate Philidor". Obviously, the program of Lang was made by R. Lang for the count of Philidor Company owned by Levy and O'Connell, Still it was a different software version. The first version was more powerful than the second explaining the defeat of La Regence at the European MCC of 1982. The consequence was immediate and pushed the bankruptcy of the French company.
- follow this link to see the comparison in photos:

The following two Sandy Electronics TSB4 La Regence have differences.
First Computer

Second Computer

The electronic of these 2 Sandy Electronics TSB4 could be different, but I didn't open them (?)
The legends on the left and on the right are different.

Participants to the Twelfth ACM's North American Computer Chess Championship, Los Angeles, California November 8-10, 1981

Code: Select all

Program		Authors		Computing System	Language	Program Size	Book Size	Nodes/Sec.
DUCHESS		Truscott	IBM 370 Series	 	Assembly 	150 Kb 		3,000 pos. 	2, 500
L'EXCENTRIQUE	Jarry		Amdahl 470 V7		Assembly 	13 Kb, 10 Kb 	3,000 pos. 	20,000
MYCHESS		Kittinger 	Cromemco Z-2D Z-80 	Assembly 	224 Kb 		9,000 pos. 	70
NUCHESS		Slate CDC	Cyber 176		FORTRAN 	100 K 400 K 	5,700 pos. 	1,200-2,200
OSTRICH		Newborn 	5-Nova Multiprocessing 	Assembly 	10 K	12 K	1,000 pos. 	500
PRODIGY		Schaeffer 	VAX or Honeywell 6 	600 C 		100 Kb 	10 Kb 	1,500 moves
PHILIDOR 	Broughton	Z-80 			Assembly 	28 Kb	16 Kb	4,000 moves	400
SCHACH 2.5	Engelbach 	Burroughs B 7800 	Algol 		60 Kb		6,000 pos.	700-1,300


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