VEB ChessMaster Table G-5005.500 (1984) X-RARE

VEB Kombinat Mikroelektronik Erfurt was an important manufacturer of active electronic components in East Germany. It was created in 1978. Their first chess computer, the SC1, was produced in few exemplars (probably less than a dozen) essentially with the goal to demonstrate their ability. From there, they regularly produced chess computers until the reunification of the 2 parts of the country in 1990.
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VEB ChessMaster Table G-5005.500 (1984) X-RARE

Unread post by CHVL » Tue Oct 19, 2021 8:48 pm

Only few units were done (no more than 10).
This is a very rare computer built by VEB Mikroelektronik Karl Marx, Erfurt.
These tables were special orders from the East German government: one Chess-Master Table was offered to Fidel Castro as a gift by Erich Honecker.
The design of this table is particular and everything was done to hide the computer inside: the operating elements of the computer are inserted in a lateral drawer that must be opened during the game. Otherwise, the table looks like a piece of furniture. The table leg is hiding the power cable. The table plateau is supported by a large reinforced aluminum plaque. Table leg and feet can be easily unscrewed for easy transportation.

Characteristics of ChessMasterTable, Model CT G-5005.500
At the third World Microcomputer Chess Championship (WMCC - 1983) in Budapest, the ChessMaster was competing in the commercial group for the title of World Microcomputer Chess Champion: was 16th on 18 competitors at the Third World Microcomputer Chess Championship, Budapest, 1983

- Table height: 69 cm
- Table width: 67 cm x 67 cm
- Field width: 40 cm x 40 cm
- Weight: 17.5 kg
- Pieces: 5 cm (pawn) to 9.5 cm (King); diameter: 2.5 cm

Technical data:
- Programmer: Rüdiger Worbs & Dieter Schultze
- Processor: UB880 (Z80 clone), 8 bits, 4 MHz
- RAM: 2KB
- ROM: 10 KB
- Library: 180 variants
- Game levels: 8 (from 3 seconds up to 12 hours)
- Power supply: 220 V + - 22V (50Hz + -1HZ; 60 Hz + - 1.2 Hz)
- Move input: magnetic sensors (Hall sensors)
- 64 LEDs

Other information:
- Manufacturer: DDR / GDR, RFT VEB microelectronics Erfurt
- Date of manufacture: 1984 (Chess-Master)

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004IMG_8591 (2).jpeg


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