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Tasc R30 version 2.23 (1993) X-RARE

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2021 4:12 pm
About the board:
- automatic recognition of the pieces allowing fast configuration of chess problems.
- my board is a version 1 allowing the use of the earliest version of the software including the Gideon of Ed Schroder.

About the software:
- the KIng 2.23 program was released on May 16th 1993.
- however, the TASC computer with the version 2.23 was never released because of the size of the Library which would have increased the hardware cost of the machine.

This TASC R30 includes:
- red burgundy protective pouch for the board
- set of 2 beige pouches for the chessmen. Each set has a different color (burgundy, beige and dark brown)
- manuals for the board and the computer
- precious rare vintage Hartmann briefcase

Based on the report by Hans Van Mierlo, the differences between the 2.20 and 2.23 versions are:
- more moves in the EPROMs of the version 2.23.
- 2.23 is more aggressive
- the version 2.23 has the World Championship Book which was never released for competition reasons.

According to Hans Van Mierlo, the variants of the 2.23 Book are new: "the TASC R30/R40 (version 2.2 to 2.5), the Montreux, the Risc 2500 are not able to play these variants: Pils Variant, Kings gambit, Max Lange, Spanish with f5, Bellon gambit, Evans gambit, Wolga, Albins counter gambit".


order 4, cxd5 where Bronstein the Quality sacrifice on a1

Budapest gambit with 3 Ng4 and Ne4

Other variations:
1.d4 d5 2.c4 Nc6 3 Nc3 dxc4 and then,
order 3 ... Ne5 4 Dd4 f6!!
order 3... Na5 4. Qa4 c6 5. b4 b5 6. Qxa5 Qxa5 7. bxa5 b4.
watch it: side variants are also very dangerous
also 1d4-Sf6, 2 c4-g6, 3 Sc3-d5 4, g4!!
King Gambit where the 2.23 sacrifices his Knight on f3; after g4 from Black it castles O-O

Analyses published in the SleepEval Journal (2014)


TASC Version 2.23 versus the Tournament Machine London