CGL ChessEval Collection LIST (2015)

COMPUTER GAMES LIMITED (CGL). British company based in London, England. Their parent company was called Dennis Baylin Trading Ltd. Their main business was importing and badging of games from Tomy, Gakken, etc under the CGL brand name. Were bought by Amstrad and shut down.
Posts: 520
Joined: Tue Jun 13, 2017 9:02 pm
Location: Los Altos, CA
Full Name: Maurice M Ohayon

CGL ChessEval Collection LIST (2015)

Unread post by CHVL » Mon Nov 08, 2021 5:54 pm

  1. Computachess.2
  2. Computachess Travel Sensory
  3. GrandMaster Travel Sensory (Computachess)
  4. GrandMaster Sensory 2


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