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Novag Condor... (unique known in the world) Black Novag Condor

Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2021 10:12 pm
On eBay Germany, a seller from Spain: ... SwnMdeK2SA

I have 2 Condor in my collection... 2 different versions... but they are white :(
So, the black version is unique?
Certainly rarer than the white, but unique?
I must have a look around.


Re: Novag Condor... (unique known in the world) Black Novag Condor

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 7:02 am
by fdimeglio
Maurice, the 1500EUR price is very very outrageous, even for a "unique" item. All in all, this is just a plastic machine.

Would it be possible it was actually a fake ? I mean, starting with a white unit and making it black or using 3D printing ?

BTW I have noticed all computers sold from Spain are overpriced, totally out of market.


Re: Novag Condor... (unique known in the world) Black Novag Condor

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2021 10:35 am

You are right: it is very few chance that this "black" Condor corresponds to a different model with different features in term of software or hardware.
Everytime this was the case, we saw modifications in the design, in the number of functions on the keyboard of the computer or minimally on the legends of the keyboard signaling an improvement.
This black Condor seems to correspond to the story of "white Tryom": rare by the color, but nothing different other than that. This is different of the Novag Obsidian: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=1407
