berger wrote: ↑Mon Sep 25, 2017 9:00 am
... But the terrible thing is when the sensory membrane fails. I don't know if anyone has succeeded in successfully removing the top sheet of aluminium, with the intention of repairing or replacing the sensory membrane.
An usual problem of the top sheet in aluminum is that anything could scratch or deform this aluminum sheet. One way to avoid the problem is to use an adhesive transparent plastic on the top sheet of aluminum. Moreover, for two of my robots, the magnets under the aluminum sheet were displaced and were reversed for some. I put them back in place and fixed the membrane. In fact, 2 on the 4 adversary robots had this problem.
Yes, I agree, the normal status of this robot is "out of order"...
I think that all the chess robots with an arm have the same defaults: fragile and consequently not working: Novag Robot Adversary, Novag 2Robot.
For the Boris Handroid, Rolf Bühler, its owner, has found a solution: "Fortunately, my retired neighbour, Mr. Ernst Rütti, (...), once a year, checks the robot and repairs broken parts if necessary.".
Finally the most solid of all these chess Robots is... the original Milton Bradley.
For now, I enjoy my Robot Adversary wondering each time that I use it if it will not be a problem...