L'Empereur at the WMCC, Glasgow (1984)

CLJ Industries was founded by Jean-Jacques Japhet. CLJ are the initials of the first name of his 2 children + the initial of the family name. Jaffet put on the market L'Empereur in reference to Napoleon. Went bankrupt shortly after producing few exemplars.
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L'Empereur at the WMCC, Glasgow (1984)

Unread post by CHVL » Sun Sep 12, 2021 8:06 pm

World Micro Chess Computer Championship, Glasgow, September 1984

Code: Select all

Rank	Program			Hardware	Score	Games	Title
1	Psion			68000 8MHz	5.0	7	World Microcomputer Chess Champion
1	Princhess X		6502 6.1MHz	5.0	7	World Microcomputer Chess Champion
1	Mephisto Excl.S(A)	68000 12MHz	5.0	7	World Microcomputer Chess Champion
1	Fidelity Elite X	6502 6MHz	5.0	7	World Microcomputer Chess Champion
5	Conchess X		6502 6.5MHz	4.5	7	
6	Elegance		6502 6.55MHz	4.5	7	
7	Fidelity Elite Y	6502 6MHz	4.5	7	
8	Mephisto Excl.S(C)	68000 12MHz	4.0	7	
9	Sargon 3	AppleII 6502 3.5MHz	4.0	7	
10	Private Line				4.0	7	
11	Mephisto Excl.S(B)	68000 12MHz	3.5	7	
12	Sargon 3 MacIntosh 	68000 4MHz	3.5	7	
13	Conchess Y		6502 6.5MHz	2.5	7	
14	Sargon 3	Compaq i8088 1MHz	2.5	7	
15	Intelligent Chess Software Apple II	2.5	7	
16	Colossus 2.1	AppleII 6502 3.5MHz	2.0	7	
17	L'Empereur				2.0	7	
18	Orwell					2.0	7	
19	Chessnut 3	Commodore64 0.9MHz	0.5	7	Amateur World Microcomputer Chess Champion
Sargon 3 on Macintosh versus L'Empereur 0-1

https://www.game-ai-forum.org/icga-tour ... und=1&id=5
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