Mephisto Tournament Machine (TM) Munchen Vancouver 68030 (1991) X-RARE

Hegener & Glaser was a German company founded by Manfred Hegener and Florian Glaser in 1969 in Munich. In 1980, they created the Mephisto trademark.In 1994, H&G was bought by Saitek Ltd.The Mephisto brand became a division of Saitek.
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Full Name: Maurice M Ohayon

Mephisto Tournament Machine (TM) Munchen Vancouver 68030 (1991) X-RARE

Unread post by CHVL » Fri Sep 24, 2021 1:40 pm

The Mephisto Tournament Machine (TM) Vancouver is a beautiful Munchen wood board.
A special power connector (Motorcycle Power Connector BMW) is linking the computer to a 5015 HG adapter.
On the side of the computer, there is a push button on/off. Two fans and a metallic plaque under the printed circuit ensure an adequate cooling system.

- program: Richard Lang.
- processor: Motorola, 32 bits, 36 MHz.
- RAM: 4 MB
- eight screws hold the plateau in place on the frame. Easily unscrewed giving an immediate access to all the components of the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) and to the electrical power circuit.
- TM were produced in small quantity: between 25 and 50 devices.


The WM Vancouver World Champion with its 2 little brothers.
From the left to the right: Mephisto Bavaria Vancouver 68020 32 Bit, Mephisto TM-ESB Vancouver 68030 36MHz, Mephisto WM-ESB Vancouver 68030 55-66MHz


The third one brother:

Winner at Eleventh World Microcomputer Chess Championship VANCOUVER 1991

Code: Select all

Rank	Program	Score	Title
1	Gideon		6.0	World Microcomputer Chess Champion
2	MChess		5.5	
3	The King	5.0	
4	Mephisto X	5.0	World Microcomputer Chess Champion (Manufacturer)
5	Fidelity X	4.5	
6	Hiarcs		4.0	
7	Now		4.0	
8	Brainstorm	3.5	
9	Nightmare (D )	3.5	
10	Échec		3.5	
11	Patzer		3.0	
12	Cumulus		2.5	
13	Woodpusher	2.5	
14	Innovation	2.5	
15	Centaur		1.0	


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