Fidelity Champion Sensory Chess Challenger Septennial [eBay]

FIDELITY ELECTRONICS LD. INC was an American company, founded in 1959, bought in March 1970 by Sidney and Myron Samole. From 1976, Fidelity Electronics developed and manufactured dedicated chess computers. On February 21, 1984, FIDELITY ELECTRONICS LD. INC filed its petition for relief under Chapter 7 of Bankruptcy Code and transferred its ownership to FIDELITY COMPUTER PRODUCTS INC. becoming later FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL,INC. Their computers won the first four World Microcomputer Chess Championships: London 1980 (Chess Challenger ), Travemünde 1981 (Fidelity X), Budapest 1983 (Elite A/S), and Glasgow 1984 (Elite). They won 4 consecutive years the United States Open Computer Chess Championships (Mobile, Alabama) in 1985, 1986, 1987 and 1988. Sold in 1989 to Hegener & Glaser. Fidelity disappeared definitely in 1992.
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Full Name: Maurice M Ohayon

Fidelity Champion Sensory Chess Challenger Septennial [eBay]

Unread post by CHVL » Sun Feb 18, 2018 12:45 am

Sometimes, on eBay, you could see some strange computers coming.
Recently, I was intrigued to see a Fidelity Champion Septennial. They are rare. At the origin, only 500 were produced. With the time their number must have decreased a lot.
The Fidelity Septennial Chess Challenger is the strongest of the Champion series. It is related more or less to the Fidelity Prestige Challenger, the Fidelity Sensory Chess Challenger Super 9, the Fidelity Super 9 Deluxe and to the Fidelity Chess Challenger Elite A/S.
In its aspect, it is similar to the Champion Sensory, but it has the CB9 openings module built inside. It runs at 2.4 MHz in place of the original 2 MHz.
I recommend the reading of Hein Veldhuis who has compared the Champion Sensory Chess Challenger Septennial (Elo 1650) to the Fidelity Elite Champion Travemünde 5 MHz (Elo 1700): ... ennial.pdf
and for sure, the excellent website of Mike Watters: ... nnial.html

What is particular: in this eBay sale, the board is green like in the Fidelity Sensory Chess Challenger Super 9 or the Fidelity Super 9 Deluxe, This is the first that I see with this variation: all the rest seems classical for a Septennial. Indubitably, this is an original Septennial. ... 2749.l2648

I wonder if somebody has more information on this variation. Probably very rare.



Posts: 520
Joined: Tue Jun 13, 2017 9:02 pm
Location: Los Altos, CA
Full Name: Maurice M Ohayon

Unread post by CHVL » Sun Aug 01, 2021 8:45 am

Very particular: ... wfItgW63Z

More curious, look at the 2 following photos. Notice that in the first one photo, the computer is a Champion, and in the second photo, it is a Super 9...
Not only a green board... but also in the case of a Super 9 or the case of a Champion...
Which one computer is for sale?
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