Boris is King with Boris Awaits Your Move, Chafitz

APPLIED CONCEPTS (dba Stalker Radar) was founded by Alan Mead in 1977. Their Chess Computer products were distributed by an American marketing/retail enterprise "Chafitz", and by a German manufacturer/distributor "Sandy Electronic".
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Joined: Tue Jun 13, 2017 9:02 pm
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Full Name: Maurice M Ohayon

Boris is King with Boris Awaits Your Move, Chafitz

Unread post by CHVL » Tue Sep 14, 2021 8:02 pm

The King picture has changed from the one used in the previous versions of Boris Plays Black.
A king more stylized...
One additional line of text: Boris Is King.
One line more for the Patent Pending.

Boris is King with %22Boris Awaits Your Move%22 -2.jpeg
Boris is King with %22Boris Awaits Your Move%22 -3.jpeg
Boris is King with %22Boris Awaits Your Move%22 -4.jpeg
Boris is King with %22Boris Awaits Your Move%22 -5.jpeg
Boris is King with %22Boris Awaits Your Move%22 -5.jpeg (23.04 KiB) Viewed 2978 times
Boris is King with %22Boris Awaits Your Move%22 -6.jpeg
Boris is King with %22Boris Awaits Your Move%22 -7.jpeg
Boris is King with %22Boris Awaits Your Move%22 -8.jpeg
Boris is King with %22Boris Awaits Your Move%22 -8.jpeg (23.84 KiB) Viewed 2978 times
Boris is King with %22Boris Awaits Your Move%22-1.jpeg


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