Tasc R30 version Gideon X-RARE

TASC B.V are the initials of "The Advanced Software Company". It was a Dutch company developing chess related products (hardware and software). TASC was founded by Wil Sparreboom. In 1994, a patent infringement about the piece recognition innovation was putting a term to the development of the company.
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Full Name: Maurice M Ohayon

Tasc R30 version Gideon X-RARE

Unread post by CHVL » Wed Oct 20, 2021 4:14 pm

The board has an automatic recognition of the pieces allowing fast configuration of chess problems.
They are version I allowing to use them with the earliest version of the software including the Gideon of Ed Schroder.

- red burgundy protective pouch for the board
- set of 2 pouches for the chessmen. Each set has a different color (burgundy, beige and dark brown)
- manuals for the board and the computer
- precious rare vintage Hartmann briefcases.



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