27 D.A.C.H User Tournament

Moderators: Sargon72, CHVL, fdimeglio

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Full Name: Hans van Mierlo

27 D.A.C.H User Tournament

Unread post by Sargon72 » Wed Sep 13, 2017 10:03 am


From 27-10 till 29-10 the D.A.C.H user tournament will be played in Kaufbeuren Germany

I will play most likely with the Millennium Chess Genius Exclusive ,allowed only at 150MHz in the A Group
I say most likely because there is a chance that i will play with the new Program X from Millennium
Let me be clear ,this is not for the Tournament win ! but to let see others the new Software Update for the CG Exclusive

For now these players/computers will play at the Tournament ,ore have signed in
There is also a B Group
Kaufbeuren is always a very nice and warn Tournament between collectors and chess computer admirers

Name Group A Group B
Robert Weck Tournament Leader
Alwin Gruber Tasc R40 Gideon
Kurt Kispert
Markus Pillen Reflcetion London 120Mhz
Michael Lang Tasc R30 V 2.5
Steffen Scholz Fidelity V11 72 Mhz
Hans v. Mierlo Millenium Genius Exclusiv 150Mhz
Paul Wiselius Kishon Chesster
Helge Matrisch Tasc R30 V 2.23
Thorsten Schöller Tiger Chess Grenadier
Ruud Martin TM Vancouver 68030
Luuk Hofmann Fidelity Elite Av. 2100
Hein Veldhuis
Bernhard aus Tirol Genius 68030
Rasmus Althoff CT800
Heiko Berger Sargon ARB 3,5 12MHz
Erwin Biri
Udo Heischer Rebel 5.0
Dirk Heidtfeld
Tanja Mählmann
Heinrich Hawig
Günther Steinmüller
Wolfg. Spiekermann Superconny
Franz Wagner
Helmut Hoffman
Gernot Holm

More info will follow

Posts: 112
Joined: Thu Jun 15, 2017 9:52 am
Location: Netherlands
Full Name: Hans van Mierlo

Re: 27 D.A.C.H User Tournament

Unread post by Sargon72 » Sun Nov 05, 2017 3:43 am

Hello Guys ,

Well 2 weeks ago i was in Germany to play on the User Tournament in the A group
As always it is nice to meet other chess collectors /Admirers
This year i had the privilege to bring the first prototype of the Millennium King 2.61
I just received it days before the Tournament and was not fully ready .It did not Ponder
And menu was also not finished . But mine intention was to show the people the new King
And yes many people where enthusiast by this new King
To get not to many questions ,after that Tournament leader Robert Weck had opened the Tournament ,i did get the word so i could all at once
what i have brought with me . Of course during the Tournament i did get questions of course .I answered them all with great pleasure

We did play in 2 groups ,the A group of strong computers and the B group what was till 1900 elo
I did play with the Millennium CGE Lang only at 150Mhz of the 300Mhz available
well the start was very good 4 out 4 then i did have to play vs the Reflection Vancouver also on 150Mhz
the CGE did not play a very good opening with the Master Book of Hiarcs
and lost the game ,Reflection had a pass a round before so we did lead with Reflection Vanc. 4-4 ,CGE 4-5 and the Tasc R30 2,5 4-5
the 5th round the CGE vs the R30 2.5 and we did draw ... so the CGE and R30 ended with both 4.5 out of 6
the Reflection did win his 5 th game and was champion ,but did lose the last round vs Ruud Martin Londen 36Mhz with 8MB hash !

In the group B it was excited till the last round
MM II and Krypton Challenge on 15Mhz where fighting for the fist place , both with 5 points out 6 games
The MM II did draw vs Rebel so ended with 5.5 out 7 ,so Krypton Challenge needed the win for Tournament winner .
But the Challenge did lose! and so the Krypton Challenge die become second
Also for 3th place the fight was open but with the draw of Rebel it was enough for the 3th place .
Paul Wiselius did play with the Krypton Challenge ,and mine other friend Hein Veldhuis and Luuk Hofman did become 4th with the Fidelity EAG 2100
And they did borrow this computer from me , i was a bit stunned here because this computer did win in user tournament in Klingenberg and 2th in Leiden with stronger opponents
Also in the picture,s >in the B group the rounds are not good round 4 was the last round

Well at the end i want to thank all the people who make Kaufbeuren again a great tournament
To see the pics better just click on them
Games will follow later

Gruppe B komplett.PNG
Gruppe A komplett.PNG

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Re: 27 D.A.C.H User Tournament

Unread post by CHVL » Sun Nov 05, 2017 6:59 am

Hello Hans,

Thank you for the beautiful photos of the Tournament. Some faces are familiar... but it will be nice to have some names under the photos.
I will be interested to see some photos of the R40 of Alwin. and of the TM Vancouver 68030 of Ruud.
Sargon72 wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2017 3:43 am
n the group B it was excited till the last round
MM II and Krypton Challenge on 15Mhz where fighting for the fist place , both with 5 points out 6 games
The MM II did draw vs Rebel so ended with 5.5 out 7 ,so Krypton Challenge needed the win for Tournament winner .
But the Challenge did lose! and so the Krypton Challenge die become second
Also for 3th place the fight was open but with the draw of Rebel it was enough for the 3th place .
Paul Wiselius did play with the Krypton Challenge ,and mine other friend Hein Veldhuis and Luuk Hofman did become 4th with the Fidelity EAG 2100
In the Group B, the first place of the MMII is not surprising, but what is the version of the MMII ? Two different hardware modules were used with different software versions (difficult to know how many versions exist).
The last place of the Grenadier is a surprise.
In any case, the MMII won against highly appreciated computers and it must have been exciting to be there.

Sargon72 wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2017 3:43 am
In the group A, the CGE did not play a very good opening with the Master Book of Hiarcs
and lost the game ,Reflection had a pass a round before so we did lead with Reflection Vanc. 4-4 ,CGE 4-5 and the Tasc R30 2,5 4-5
the 5th round the CGE vs the R30 2.5 and we did draw ... so the CGE and R30 ended with both 4.5 out of 6
the Reflection did win his 5 th game and was champion ,but did lose the last round vs Ruud Martin Londen 36Mhz with 8MB hash !
For the Group A, I am not surprised at all: the Vancouver program is an amazing opponent. I have the privilege to own the WM TurnierMachine Vancouver. My TM Vancouver has a Motorola 68030 RC 50B that could be tuned between 50 and 66 MHz (presently at 66 MHz). It uses a special "Tournament" library recorded in a 256KB EPROM, plugged in the fast removable EPROM socket. Conversely, the TM Vancouver uses only a Motorola at 36 MHz. This WM Vancouver was the original machine engaged in the competition at Vancouver in 1991; it became the World Champion (http://chesseval.com/RareBoard/WM.htm), This computer is a master piece, probably one of the most achieved computer of the dedicated chess computer era. Some years ago, I looked at the library of of the WM 66MHz and saw that this library is different of the one in the TM 36MHz.
I wonder about which library Ruud is using for his Vancouver emulations...


Posts: 112
Joined: Thu Jun 15, 2017 9:52 am
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Full Name: Hans van Mierlo

Re: 27 D.A.C.H User Tournament

Unread post by Sargon72 » Sun Nov 05, 2017 9:39 am

Hello Maurice ,

More foto,s will come and the games

I do not know what version it was of MM II >well a strong one i think :lol:

Grenadier ...i know it almost won ore die win in the Saints Tournament in France ,bad luck
Also bad luck of Alwin R40 Gideon what here happen was ?? but i know inside the program u can select play style as Active ,but by Gideon it will not play different ,so these settings do not work unfortunately

Yes the Vancouver , the CGE Lang needs all 300Mhz vs the Reflection ,because to see what the Ref Vancouver see more sooner
Just bad luck with the opening

What Library Ruud used ,...well i know in round 1 he did use the wrong Book ,he had activate his Blitz Book ,after 7 games it was already over Londen King on e7.... disaster Ruud was a bit stunned here :roll: i think he did use TB rest of the games


Posts: 520
Joined: Tue Jun 13, 2017 9:02 pm
Location: Los Altos, CA
Full Name: Maurice M Ohayon

Re: 27 D.A.C.H User Tournament

Unread post by CHVL » Sun Nov 05, 2017 3:39 pm

Hello Hans,

Ruud got probably the library for the Vancouver emulation from Lang himself.
My question is to know if he got the "Tournament" library that was used for the WCCC of Vancouver in 1991. I believe that this library was "adjusted" and enriched until the last minute: the EPROM is on an easy removable EPROM socket probably for this reason. What I know is that the TM 36 MHz uses a different library: many manufacturers were not putting their last versions of their library in the commercial version.
Maybe it will worth to know more?



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